infinite Security Control Panels


Security and building automation without compromises

INFINITE is an advanced security system at the top of the CSI control panles range.

This system is based on three models, all including the most recent wired and wireless technologies:  

  • CP24: intended for systems purely aimed at security, with limited expandability and home automation; 
  • CP128: for security systems with good expandability and building automation;
  • CP3000: full integration of security and building automation with top performance.

The INFINITE system allows to realize huge size installation sites (maximum configuration with the Infinite CP3000 model: over 4600 wired zones and 3700 outputs, 256 WLink / RS485 detectors, 512 users, 128 terminals, 32 sirens on BUS, 32 WLink sirens, 4 communicators) and with the most advanced technology actually available on security and automation systems.

Le strutture hardware e software di INFINITE consentono la realizzazione di sistemi estremamente flessibili, capaci di soddisfare ogni esigenza del vostro sistema di sicurezza e controllo.

Inoltre, garantisce significative risorse a favore dell’espandibilità, oltre alla possibilità del continuo aggiornamento di ogni componente.

Le centrali sono sistemi multifunzionali e completamente autosufficienti. Possono controllare rilevatori delle più diffuse tipologie (connessione filare tradizionale, via radio WLink e su BUS RS485) oltre a numerosi dispositivi wireless WLink, sirene, avvisatori acustico-luminosi.

Esse dispongono di serie della connettività LAN grazie alla quale possono essere controllate e programmate in modo diretto o tramite CSI Cloud (anche tramite App) e più BUS RS485 per l’interconnessione di moduli periferici (espansioni, rilevatori, comunicatori, moduli vari di input/output e/o servizi domotici, ecc.).

Il protocollo radio WLink è intimamente inglobato in INFINITE; sia le centrali che alcuni modelli di espansioni sono in grado di ricevere e inviare comunicazioni Wlink da e verso le periferiche del sistema. E’ possibile raggiungere distanze anche oltre diversi km.

Infinite è semplice da installare e utilizzare, completamente telegestibile, è dotata di memoria storica eventi con una profondità di registrazione virtualmente illimitata.


Information and technical specification

  • Compatible products
  • Versions
ICONNECT GSM/GPRS and PSTN communicator, in plastic box, for Infinite family. RS485
INFOCEL INFINITE GSM/GPRS digital communicator, speech synthesis, plastic box. RS485
Crypto Twin Wlink Multifunctional 5-buttons remote control, bi-directional Wlink
EProx Proximity electronic key, epoxy resin body.
ProxyKey Miniaturized proximity electronic key.
ProxyTag Proximity electronic key.
Indoor Detectors
FULLDOOR Indoor wireless magnetic contact for doors and windows, with double input for additional contacts
GHIBLI Indoor mini-detector, infrared or infrared + microwave, 12 m maximum range, different optional lenses
MiniDoor Mini magnetic indoor contact for doors and windows via radio.
MISTRAL Indoor detector, double technology (infrared + microwave), maximum range 15 m, optional lenses.
Orion Indoor ceiling detector, dual technology (IR and microwave), maximum diameter flow rate 15 m.
Sense Triaxial accelerometric multifunction sensor with magnetic contact.
VEGA Curtain detector for doors and windows, double technology (infrared + microwave)
VideoMistral Indoor detector, dual technology (IR and microwave), with camera, 15 m range.
Zephyr Indoor IR detector, maximum flow rate 8 m, installation in standard Keystone module.
Outdoor Detectors
Sentinel Outdoor triple-technology detector, 12 m max range.
Sirio Outdoor triple-technology detector, curtain protection, 12 m max range.
APE Proxy tag reader with display, wall mounting. RS485 Wlink
Ghost Wall mounted proximity tag reader with display. RS485
ProxyReader Proximity card reader with display, Keystone standard installation. RS485
Starlight S Multi-functional terminal with 4,7" LCD touchscreen display RS485
Starlight XL Multi-functional terminal with 7” LCD touchscreen display RS485
Vandal-proof Terminals
Access Vandal-proof terminal with display and proxy reader, for access control. RS485
ACCESS CODE Vandal-proof terminal, for access control RS485
ACCESS PROXY Vandal-proof proxy tag reader, for access control RS485
Indoor Sirens
VOX Indoor magnetodynamic siren, wall mounting WIRED
Outdoor Sirens
DIESIS Outdoor megnetodynamic mid-power siren, self-powered WIRED RS485
EVO Outdoor magnetodynamic high-power siren, self-powered. WIRED Wlink
Boxed Expansion Boards
IPLUS Expansion board, 24 IN/OUT wired ports, plastic box. RS485
IPLUS BOX Expansion board, 24 IN/OUT wired ports, in plastic box RS485
IPLUS BOX WLINK Expansion board, 24 IN/OUT wired ports, with integrated Wlink radio, in plastic box RS485 Wlink
IPLUS HID Expansion board, 10 IN/OUT wired ports, plastic box, remote installation RS485
IPLUS OUT Expansion board, 4 IN/OUT wired ports + 20 OUT ports (250 VAC / 5 A relays), plastic box. RS485
IPLUS POWER Expansion board, 24 IN/OUT wired ports, with integrated Wlink radio and full power stadium, in plastic box RS485 Wlink
DIN Rail Expansion Boards
IPLUS BOX DIN Expansion board, 24 IN/OUT wired ports, 9 modules DIN rail mounting box RS485
IPLUS BOX DIN WLINK Expansion board, 24 IN/OUT wired ports, with integrated Wlink radio, DIN rail box (9 m) RS485 Wlink
IPLUS OUT DIN Expansion board, 12 IN/OUT wired + 12 OUT (250 VAC / 10 A relays) ports, DIN rail mount (9 m) RS485
Climate and Weather
CLIMASET Measurement point (temperature/humidity/lux) and control, with display, wall mounting. RS485
MULTISENSOR Environment sensor (temperature/humidity/lux/pressure) mod. Keystone RS485
THERMOPOINT Temperature sensor with display. RS485
Automation and Lights
REM 1L Module for lights control (250Vca/10A relay) and dimming 0-10V, inputs for local commands, plastic box. RS485
REM 2M Module for motor control or two independet commands, inputs for local commands, plastic box. RS485
REM 6R Module with six independet commands (250Vca/5A relays), inputs for local commands, plastic box. RS485 Wlink
REM/REM Slave Input/output modules dor smart buolding functions, with electrical motor protections. RS485
POWERCONTROLLER Electric power measuring module, 230 Vca single-phase (max 10 kW). RS485
EUR2 Relay interface board (Open Collector / IO Ports), 2 channels
EUR6 Relay interface board for IO logic Ports, 6 channels
RS485 BUS Accessories
LANBUS RS485<>LAN gateway for connection of RS485 peripherals trough LAN. RS485
MULTIRS Multiplexing board for generation of six RS485 serial BUS branches from one. RS485
Power Supply
POWERPLEX Power multiplexing board, 12 VDC (6 outputs with dedicated protection, max 500 mA/output).
TB XL Standard WIRED
Model Infinite CP128 TB
CSI 060044

Infinite CP24 TB
CSI 060043

Infinite CP3000 TB
CSI 060045
Infinite CP128 XL
CSI 060023

Infinite CP3000 XL
CSI 060003

Infinite CP24 XL
CSI 060002
Infinite CP128
CSI 060022

Infinite CP3000
CSI 060001

Infinite CP24
CSI 060000
Infinite CP128 TB
CSI 060044

Infinite CP128
CSI 060022

Infinite CP128 XL
CSI 060023

Infinite CP24 TB
CSI 060043

Infinite CP3000 TB
CSI 060045

Infinite CP24 XL
CSI 060002

Infinite CP3000
CSI 060001

Infinite CP24
CSI 060000

Infinite CP3000 XL
CSI 060003